At a mesiba for ArtScroll Torah editors and writers, a panel with Rabbi Nosson Scherman, Sheah Brander and Gedaliah Zlotowitz, with questions submitted by the team of scholars: would they undertake an elucidation of the Rambam?
January 2, 2025
Is there ever a worry that there will be ‘nothing left to translate?'
December 10, 2023
Is there a greater bond than this? The president of ArtScroll and a fighter pilot, who just received Bava Kamma 2, what his soul needs to survive. ‘Between missions,’ he told Rabbi Zlotowitz , this is my mission!’
December 10, 2023
Is there a greater bond than this? The president of ArtScroll and a fighter pilot, who just received Bava Kamma 2, what his soul needs to survive. ‘Between missions,’ he told Rabbi Zlotowitz , this is my mission!’
December 8, 2023
Glimpses of Greatness - Mrs Rochel Zlotowitz
October 15, 2023
Fresh off the about essentials- soldiers at their posts need the daily daf! A special edition of the Schottenstein Mesechta Kidushin, including perakim of Tehillim at the front. "We printed 5000 to start, and we are already overwhelmed with requests for more..." #HowJewsLive