At Beis Medrash Govoha, a burst of shiurim, chaburos and limudim …With a clear, precise seating list so that seven thousand talmidim can take their places in relative comfort, singing their song
October 16, 2023
At Beis Medrash Govoha, a burst of shiurim, chaburos and limudim …👉
October 16, 2023
With a clear, precise seating list so that seven thousand talmidim can take their places in relative comfort, singing their song
October 16, 2023
In the Adirondack Mountains, at a roadside stop, a legion of bochurim returning to yeshiva stop for mincha, the seriousness of their role in bringing merit to the world evident 👉
October 16, 2023
Not just bochurim! A new zman for baalebatim as well, those who awaken the morning at Lakewood’s Kollel Or Shmuel, learning with energy while the streets are still quiet 👉
October 16, 2023
In London as well, a new zman for those who sing the song of a new day 🌅