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About MKY​

MKY, online and on social media, is a place where we point out, highlight, and celebrate the beauty of Klal Yisroel.

In a flood of news which is negative and depressing, we take a moment to remind you of what you’re part of and just how fortunate- Ashreinu!- you already are! #MKY tells the refreshing, invigorating story of the everyday reality in our community; the Torah learning and unlimited flow of kindness, the simple joys of Yiddishkeit, with its rituals, customs, habits, its places and people.

The wider Jewish world is a symphony, composed of many kehillos within it: We allow each one to play their music, their way. We connect people, connect communities, and at the core, remind ourselves of how much we share.

#MKY throbs with the vibrancy and excitement of frum living; the seasons and moments, the initiatives and ideas, the chessed and simcha, the emunah and energy of our yeshivos and shuls.

Mi Keamcha Yisroel. There is so much good in Klal Yisroel: treat yourself to the full picture – and come meet MKY.