Avrohom Fried and Boruch Sholom do justice to the tune and words
December 13, 2023
Songs of the Season: Haneiros Hallalu
December 13, 2023
In 1990, the niggun was sung at Chabad headquarters, in Crown Heights, connected via satellite with live audiences across the world, different hemispheres and time zones - all of them celebrating flames that are never extinguished.
December 6, 2023
For many of these Derech students, public school graduates, the chance to meet a Torah giant in person is a thrill! Today, they prepared for Chanukah with a special shiur by Rav Asher Weiss
December 3, 2023
Songs of the Season: Elokai Neshama
December 3, 2023
Songs of the Season: Elokai Neshama
December 3, 2023
From the Archive of a Nation: More footage from bygone days in Kfar Chabad, celebrating 19 Kislev with the song of the Alter Rebbe
December 2, 2023
Songs of the Season: Padah Besholom
December 2, 2023
"...a slow, pensive niggun marking the difficulty and pain, the Yid accessing faith and strength, and the simchah of that bitachon..."
December 2, 2023
"...and then the euphoria of the salvation."
November 30, 2023
Songs of the Season: Katonti by Yonatan Razel
November 30, 2023
Yonatan singing his song of gratitude with Alex Clare...
November 30, 2023
...and in the hospital hallways
November 30, 2023
Songs of the Season: Proik
November 30, 2023
On the yahrzeit of Benzion Shenker, Moussa Berlin and Mona Rosenblum with the niggun of the Rebbe that Reb Benzion brought to life…
November 30, 2023
Mordechai ben David, who recorded the niggun
November 24, 2023
Songs of the Season: V'hinei
November 24, 2023
Songs of the Season: V'hinei
November 24, 2023
A moment to understand the depths of the words…a person has to serve Him, to the best of their ability!