The beauty, joy and flavor of our family. Every day.
January 10, 2023
Welcome to
January 10, 2023
Welcome to
January 10, 2023
. One more place to feel the joy of being a Yid
January 10, 2023
After many requests, including from leading mechanchim and rabbonim, we are excited to share a new frontier for #MKY- a place to share the song of MKY with a world beyond WhatsApp....
January 10, 2023
After many requests, including from leading mechanchim and rabbonim, we are excited to share a new frontier for #MKY- a place to share the song of MKY with a world beyond WhatsApp....
January 10, 2023
After many requests, including from leading mechanchim and rabbonim, we are excited to share a new frontier for #MKY- a place to share the song of MKY with a world beyond WhatsApp....
October 30, 2023
In Johannesburg, Eitan Katz does not forget Yerushalayim for a moment…but the tefillos are expressed with confidence and joy, children addressing a Father who loves them so
October 30, 2023
It is their pure sweet voices that hold up the world: should they not be seated in the front, like the VIPs they are ?
October 30, 2023
In the lobby of Congregation Beth Jeudah in Milwaukee - names not of donors or past presidents, but of Yidden in captivity, family in need of our tefillos
October 30, 2023
The mother of Ori Magadish, who was rescued today from captivity, just a few days ago- may the Mattir Asurim continue to untie the knots and open doors…
October 30, 2023
Chayeinu volunteers, used to bringing cheer to suffering children, continue to provide that kindness to children who are not ill- but are restless and frightened just the same. Sometimes, a few more smiles goes a long way…
October 30, 2023
At a restaurant in the shuk, a soldier who worked there is remembered by his friends- who found a way to create eternal merits, straps that bind heaven and earth
October 30, 2023
They have seen too much, the Zaka volunteers. At the center of the universe, with Yonatan Razel and Ishay Ribo, a plea to go home, back to His house 👉
October 30, 2023
For my soul longs for You….
October 30, 2023
At the Siyum last night, the collective hopes of a crowd, as the names of the hostages appear on the screen. At a time of favor, answer us!
October 30, 2023
As the Mesivta of Houston celebrates a chanukas habayis, Rav Shimon Yehuda Svei tells of a visit to Texas by his grandfather, nearly a century ago
October 30, 2023
In Houston, Abie Rotenberg tells of another Simchas Torah that called for courage, a story of a nation that digs deep and finds ways to rebuild 👉
October 30, 2023
The composer of Klal Yisroel’s anthem there, in the crowd, as it is being sung 👉
October 30, 2023
Because always, this ensures: a nation, its Torah and children who will never let go
October 30, 2023
At last nights daf yomi siyum in Bellworks, prominent maggidei shiur Reb Yossi Glieberman, who celebrates each mesechta with a song in rhyme, and Reb Sruly Bornstein of Lakewood daf yomi, enjoy the moment