The beauty, joy and flavor of our family. Every day.
January 10, 2023
Welcome to
January 10, 2023
Welcome to
January 10, 2023
. One more place to feel the joy of being a Yid
January 10, 2023
After many requests, including from leading mechanchim and rabbonim, we are excited to share a new frontier for #MKY- a place to share the song of MKY with a world beyond WhatsApp....
January 10, 2023
After many requests, including from leading mechanchim and rabbonim, we are excited to share a new frontier for #MKY- a place to share the song of MKY with a world beyond WhatsApp....
January 10, 2023
After many requests, including from leading mechanchim and rabbonim, we are excited to share a new frontier for #MKY- a place to share the song of MKY with a world beyond WhatsApp....
October 24, 2023
Shloime Dachs, not there to entertain but as the father of the chassan- and mostly, as one more Yid expressing the hopes of a nation
October 24, 2023
#MKY Reactions, re the Amshinover Rebbe at the simcha of his neighbor
October 24, 2023
At TA in Baltimore, one seder complete with Mishna Yomi, a new one beginning- pure, sweet voices of children who learn Torah in their free time as well, a stream joining the ocean of zechusim shared by our nation
October 24, 2023
October 24, 2023
#MKY Glimpses: Rav Shlomo Gross, the Belzer Dayan of Boro Park
October 24, 2023
#MKY Glimpses: Rav Shlomo Gross, the Belzer Dayan of Boro Park
October 24, 2023
Hatzolah and Zaka and Chaverim, these days it’s all one, Yidden helping Yidden move forward
October 24, 2023
The boys in Aish complete a seder with Mishna Yomi: as they celebrate, the rosh yeshiva, Rav Yitzchok Berkowitz comes over to share the joy
October 24, 2023
A new period at Yeshiva Ketana of Manhattan, every single day since Sukkos - boys in grades 4-8 gather and finish the entire Sefer Tehillim, one more package sent to Eretz Yisroel by caring family
October 24, 2023
A pillar of Torah and tefillah, the tzaddik of Amshinov inhabits a different realm...and yet, also a good neighbor, "dropping in" at the sheva brachos of a Bayit Vegan neighbor, one Yid rejoicing with a second!