The beauty, joy and flavor of our family. Every day.
January 10, 2023
Welcome to
January 10, 2023
Welcome to
January 10, 2023
. One more place to feel the joy of being a Yid
January 10, 2023
After many requests, including from leading mechanchim and rabbonim, we are excited to share a new frontier for #MKY- a place to share the song of MKY with a world beyond WhatsApp....
January 10, 2023
After many requests, including from leading mechanchim and rabbonim, we are excited to share a new frontier for #MKY- a place to share the song of MKY with a world beyond WhatsApp....
January 10, 2023
After many requests, including from leading mechanchim and rabbonim, we are excited to share a new frontier for #MKY- a place to share the song of MKY with a world beyond WhatsApp....
October 14, 2023
Bringing in Shabbos across the world…at Barzilai Hospital, greeting the Queen in unity
October 13, 2023
An asifa for the bochurim of Passaic last night. Before speaking, Rav Dovid Schustal feeling the power of the words of tefillah…we have been beaten and shamed, and with all this, Your Name we have not forgotten
October 13, 2023
Your Name we have not forgotten! Papers signed by each bochur at the gathering, more layers of protection
October 13, 2023
Bringing in Shabbos Bereishis in Rabbi Zuckerman’s class in Darchei Torah. For Hashem is with us
October 13, 2023
From the Archive of a Nation: At a 1996 Lower East Side gathering during a time of danger in Eretz Yisroel, Rav Dovid Feinstein suggested some kabbalos he felt could provide merit, including the obligation to be maavir sedra, review the weekly parsha
October 13, 2023
Before offering his own words of chizuk in the Five Towns last night, Rav Doniel Kalish and talmidim find strength in words of chizuk thousands of years old - For Hashem is with us!
October 13, 2023
Children in Boca greeting Shabbos with the usual songs- but also a few more, pure voices of children pleading for family
October 13, 2023
In Bet Shemesh, as word spreads of 200 soldiers being stationed there for Shabbos, a deluge of necessary supplies to allow them some oneg Shabbos
October 13, 2023
What Jews give. How Jews give... but really, it's What Jews Get: Protection, Peace, and tranquility...
October 13, 2023
Ohr Sameyach talmidim and Reb Zevi Kaufman serenading those injured, spending Shabbos in the hospital