The beauty, joy and flavor of our family. Every day.
January 10, 2023
Welcome to
January 10, 2023
Welcome to
January 10, 2023
. One more place to feel the joy of being a Yid
January 10, 2023
After many requests, including from leading mechanchim and rabbonim, we are excited to share a new frontier for #MKY- a place to share the song of MKY with a world beyond WhatsApp....
January 10, 2023
After many requests, including from leading mechanchim and rabbonim, we are excited to share a new frontier for #MKY- a place to share the song of MKY with a world beyond WhatsApp....
January 10, 2023
After many requests, including from leading mechanchim and rabbonim, we are excited to share a new frontier for #MKY- a place to share the song of MKY with a world beyond WhatsApp....
October 10, 2023
It has become a theme song and anthem and soundtrack to a trying week, giving spirit and strength. Originally composed for the soldiers by Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, it provides hope and faith for a new generation forced to fight
October 10, 2023
At the rally in Manhattan, Rabbi Zalman Lazaroff mans the Hatzolah truck in case someone needs help - and learns his daily Ramba’m, assisting all of creation
October 10, 2023
In Monsey's RCC auditorium: anthem of a people who haven't stopped asking, pleading and hoping for the last 48 hours. There is no family quite like this one.
October 10, 2023
At a wedding in Lakewood tonight: the country always uppermost in our minds, remembering the land of joy at a moment of joy
October 10, 2023
They came via Turkey, landing in Dulles Airport after days of travel: Chaverim of Baltimore and Chaverim of Greater Washington there to greet them with hot meals!
October 10, 2023
Chaverim, Chessed, Family you don’t even know
October 10, 2023
A call not to the yungeleit of the yeshivah, but to teenage bochurim: come raise your voices in tefillah too! They came, filling BMG’s Bais Yitzchok to capacity…
October 10, 2023
The beis medrash and hallway jammed with eager young men as Rav Uri Deutsch addressed them…
October 10, 2023
The ezras nashim upstairs just as full, the full-throated cries of the bochurim of 2023- heroes in their own right - filling the Lakewood night
October 10, 2023
Still more, Ateres Bracha in the basement of the building equally crowded, thousands of voices - one simple, heartfelt plea: save us, shelter us, and show us how much You love us
October 10, 2023
October 10, 2023
#MKY friend submitted: Another song from the Rebbe of Berditchev, whose Yahrtzeit was today.
October 10, 2023
#MKY friend submitted: Another song from the Rebbe of Berditchev, whose Yahrtzeit was today.