Jewish weddings and their songs…in Lakewood, Rav Moshe Wehl delivers the usual daf shiur at the simcha of a participant
December 27, 2023
While on the hills of Yehuda, a chuppah and the plea that ‘You show Your love for us to all, Walk amongst us once more…’
December 18, 2023
Another night, another simcha, and Rav Akiva Grunblatt, rosh yeshiva of Chofetz Chaim, finds ways to use every moment
December 7, 2023
As Menorah’s come to life, the boys of Menora Grammar School shine brighter than ever, giving their lunch break to an optional chazzara seder
November 30, 2023
At a chasunah, a quiet moment on tefillah for Rav Yaakov Bender 👉
November 30, 2023
While for Yaakov Shwekey, a kohein means the opportunity to receive a flow of bracha
November 29, 2023
The flight home from Los Angeles has been delayed, so for Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Rav Yisroel Neumann, first seder continues, as usual, in the California hotel
November 29, 2023
In the Sands, a side room is elevated as Reb Yossi Spiegel and his chaburah continue their march through Bava Kamma
October 11, 2023
The wait for an oil change in Lakewood: open Gemara and neshamos being refueled
October 11, 2023
At a wedding last might, Rav Dovid Harris, rosh yeshiva of Chofetz Chaim, finds a moment to slip into a different realm
October 10, 2023
An afternoon with the children at the park for Rabbi Yussie Zakutinsky, but a world crying out for Torah - the perfect harmony of life for those who can hear the notes