Even as Chaverim trucks roll up to provide heat and light, the Adirei HaTorah of BMG continue to power the world
December 18, 2023
Outside, it’s storming and inside it’s dark, the power out. But at six thirty am, Khal Mevakshei Hashem in Raintree is surging with power and light #SongOfANewDay
December 18, 2023
#MKY Friend-Submitted: In the shul in Enclave, change on the tables to break down bills to make it easier to give tzedakah- what amazed me isn’t just the trust, but the way Yidden cherish mitzvos so, always looking to make it more efficient! He chose a great nation!
December 14, 2023
At BMG, a thousand bright lights to brighten the days ahead
December 11, 2023
Lakewood…a city in which so many kehilos have taken root! At Khal Yotzei Ashkenaz last night, the mesorah rings proud and true 👉
December 11, 2023
While, at the home of Reb Meir Rosenbaum a’h, the sacred nusach of Bluzhev- which gave hope even in the concentration camps, one dating back to the Bnei Yissaschar!- was carried forward to a new generation by the Rebbe of Bluzhev- Ribatitch
December 9, 2023
At the Chaburah daf yomi in Lakewood: before the start of the shiur, some connections severed so that others can take hold…
December 6, 2023
Rav Uri Deutsch, rov of Forest Park, under the chuppah of his daughter, as Reb Moishe Mendlowitz sings the anthem of a desperately faithful people 👉
December 6, 2023
And the joy of a kehilla in which young and old, bochur and child, feels the simcha of their beloved Rov
December 5, 2023
Bochurim hitching in Lakewood isn’t an unusual sight- two of them leaving the doctor today had a nice break, the rosh yeshiva Rav Dovid Schustal leaving the same building, happy to take two bnei Torah back ‘home’
December 5, 2023
Inside BMG’s Beis Ahron, the light of Torah burns bright… 👉
December 5, 2023
While in the hallway outside, the light of mitzvos beckon
December 5, 2023
The side rooms in so many halls, transformed to batei midrash. Last night, Rav Yeruchim Olshin finds a quiet spot: as the chassan and kallah take pictures, creating memories, the rosh yeshivah creates worlds