Late nights at Aish, one young man replacing another as the hours pass in the empty beis medrash. Yes, they are learning Torah
October 15, 2023
But they are also standing guard, ensuring that every layer of protection is there
October 11, 2023
The wait for an oil change in Lakewood: open Gemara and neshamos being refueled
October 11, 2023
At Yeshivas Imrei Binah, a security guard who fulfills his duty so faithfully that quiet moments are used to ask for strength from the Source of strength
October 10, 2023
A call not to the yungeleit of the yeshivah, but to teenage bochurim: come raise your voices in tefillah too! They came, filling BMG’s Bais Yitzchok to capacity…
October 10, 2023
The beis medrash and hallway jammed with eager young men as Rav Uri Deutsch addressed them…
October 10, 2023
The ezras nashim upstairs just as full, the full-throated cries of the bochurim of 2023- heroes in their own right - filling the Lakewood night
October 10, 2023
Still more, Ateres Bracha in the basement of the building equally crowded, thousands of voices - one simple, heartfelt plea: save us, shelter us, and show us how much You love us
October 10, 2023
They aren’t in yeshiva anymore, having struggled: but when their people are in trouble, they are back home, doing their part, coming together in a Kiryat Sefer shul and finishing Mesechta Brachos in the merit of the soldiers
October 10, 2023
At BMG, bein hazmanim was put on hold as the roshei yeshiva asked whomever is local to learn the full first seder in the yeshiva…
October 10, 2023
Along with the Torah, constant reminders of the extra Divine mercy we need at this time
October 10, 2023
Reb Shai Kruger is in Eretz Yisroel trying to get home to Woodmere, but the evening Kinyan Mesechta chaburah must go on - so in the wee hours of the morning, there he is on Zoom teaching Torah and building worlds
October 9, 2023
#InItTogether: A call from the roshei yeshiva of BMG, for the Adirei HaTorah to create a zman during bein hazmanim and those who do not learn yeshiva to come make themselves at home
October 9, 2023
While Mesifta of Clifton bochurim did their part, spending their morning creating layers of protection for Acheinu kol Beis Yisroel