In Los Angeles, an Adirei HaTorah event featuring divrei bracha from a newly appointed R’M in BMG, Rav Yehoshua Abba Busel
December 24, 2024
And while the Rosh Yeshiva Rav Malkiel gives chizuk to large crowds throughout the city, he takes an extra moment to chat with young Shaya Elefant, son of the beloved Chaim a’h
December 11, 2024
In Los Angeles, it’s Chaverim lending a hand to local police officers, doing what friends do
October 15, 2024
Not Brooklyn or Bnei Brak, Monsey or Monroe…the streets of Pico, in Los Angeles, green, yellow and holy
October 15, 2024
At the Lakewood daled minim shuk, in Blue Claws stadium, teenage vendors who use the time between customers to look into their gemaros
November 23, 2023
In Los Angeles, it is barely noon and the holiday morning activity is the ultimate thanksgiving to the Nosein HaTorah, for the gift He’s given us
October 10, 2023
Overnight in Los Angeles, along with tefillah and heart, duffle bags piling up, each one filled with supplies, equipment, and the love of family