Monday morning minyan in Khan Younis. The child cannot leave his father….
December 18, 2023
At the kever of the Tosher Rebbe, along with the usual crowd, the current Rebbe slips in quietly, with no gabbaim or entourage, a son connecting with his father, pleading that he intercede with his Father
December 14, 2023
When we finished, the baal tefilah asked if everyone could stick around for 2 more minutes...
December 11, 2023
At Flying J on Interstate 80, the ultimate roadside attraction - nine other Jews with whom to daven
December 11, 2023
#MKY Friend-Submitted: I looked up today at American Dream and saw this sight, brothers on the mall’s highest level gathered to sing a song that resounds in heaven
December 10, 2023
At American Dream, in the parsha of dreams, addressing the One Who turns dreams to reality
December 10, 2023
At American Dream, in the parsha of dreams, addressing the One Who turns dreams to reality
December 6, 2023
The call for a tenth man at Gaza shtieblach…
December 5, 2023
A Yiddishe Mamme still able to feel for another, asking for tefillos for another on her family chat.
December 4, 2023
The Tomer Givati brigade, preparing to enter new territory with a resounding proclamation