Rav Uri Deutsch is in Chicago as part of a delegation of rabbanim visiting cities across North America to address the shidduch situation - but while there he makes time to address young men as well, telling them of the glory and power of their eyes
December 15, 2024
At his shul melava malka, Rav Uri Deutsch asks musician Reb Moshe Katz to sing the niggun of the Sanzer Rov
November 11, 2024
#MKY Moments at last weeks Toraso Beumnaso event, Rav Uri Deutsch
December 14, 2023
As he waits for the Yeshiva Darchei Torah Chanuka Mesiba to begin, the rosh yeshiva Rav Shlomo Avigdor Altusky ‘says shiur’ to his talmidim in how to seize every moment.
👉 ביד עוסקי תורתך
December 14, 2023
As he waits for the Yeshiva Darchei Torah Chanuka Mesiba to begin, the rosh yeshiva Rav Shlomo Avigdor Altusky ‘says shiur’ to his talmidim in how to seize every moment.
👉 ביד עוסקי תורתך
December 6, 2023
Rav Uri Deutsch, rov of Forest Park, under the chuppah of his daughter, as Reb Moishe Mendlowitz sings the anthem of a desperately faithful people 👉
December 6, 2023
And the joy of a kehilla in which young and old, bochur and child, feels the simcha of their beloved Rov
October 10, 2023
A call not to the yungeleit of the yeshivah, but to teenage bochurim: come raise your voices in tefillah too! They came, filling BMG’s Bais Yitzchok to capacity…
October 10, 2023
The beis medrash and hallway jammed with eager young men as Rav Uri Deutsch addressed them…
October 10, 2023
The ezras nashim upstairs just as full, the full-throated cries of the bochurim of 2023- heroes in their own right - filling the Lakewood night
October 10, 2023
Still more, Ateres Bracha in the basement of the building equally crowded, thousands of voices - one simple, heartfelt plea: save us, shelter us, and show us how much You love us