The joy of a new Sefer Torah brings the Bobover Rebbe on a rare visit to Lakewood 👉
December 2, 2024
While in Baltimore, Rav Shloime Taussig is there to celebrate that precious simcha at Mercaz Torah Utefilla
December 3, 2023
World renowned mechanech and baal menagen Rav Hillel Paley in Boro Park last night 👉
December 3, 2023
Hosted in the Beled beis medrash, where the Ruv, Rav Shloime Taussig, himself fuses Torah with the song that plays within it
November 26, 2023
At the close of a Shabbos of chizuk for Torah Temimah talmidim, as Reb Shloime Taussig sings, the maggid shiur, Rav Nevanansky, shows the talmidim how one ‘learns’ up 👍 the words of Rabbi Shimon