The sweet sound of Mishnayos baal peh from a child who has mastered it: in an Ashdod Shuvu school, an American delegation of friends of Shuvu see the miracle up close 👉
February 10, 2025
Joining MK Yitzchak Pindrus in the Knesset, hearing the effects that Shuvu schools are having on homes and communities
November 28, 2023
Shuvu Petach Tikva high school girls on a ‘field trip’….helping out on the farms of those called away to serve
November 18, 2023
One nation, so many missions… a pre Shabbos message of thanks from the soldiers to the children of Shuvu - valor recognizing valor
October 13, 2023
Shuvu students have been home all week: Shabbos is coming and the dedicated rebbeim are there to make sure the children are ready, as every week