At Yeshivas Imrei Binah, the perfect harmony of young men who create light
December 7, 2023
Also at Newark today: Deplaned once, deplaned twice, waiting for a third flight, the Yid is just fine. You know why? Cause a Yid understands that Hashem has a plan and that every step is perfectly planned…
December 6, 2023
In the Leonardo Hotel, families displaced from their homes for two months have a moment to ‘escape’, transported on wings of prayer with Mordechai Shapiro
December 6, 2023
Before leaving for Eretz Yisroel, Rav Hillel Paley leads one last kumzitz, this time in Brooklyn
December 6, 2023
Rav Uri Deutsch, rov of Forest Park, under the chuppah of his daughter, as Reb Moishe Mendlowitz sings the anthem of a desperately faithful people 👉
December 6, 2023
And the joy of a kehilla in which young and old, bochur and child, feels the simcha of their beloved Rov
December 5, 2023
The light of 19 Kislev, still glowing: Ishay Ribo sings the Baal Shem Tov’s niggun in Valley Stream last night.
December 4, 2023
The Nafshi concert was an evening of chassidus and this isn’t a chassidishe niggun…but is there anything more chassidish than the facts that all Yiddishe neshamos are one, hearts feeling the pain of one another?.
December 3, 2023
World renowned mechanech and baal menagen Rav Hillel Paley in Boro Park last night 👉
December 3, 2023
Hosted in the Beled beis medrash, where the Ruv, Rav Shloime Taussig, himself fuses Torah with the song that plays within it
December 2, 2023
Charlie Harary with a message for the hearts of hundreds of students at an Olami Shabbaton
December 2, 2023
We fall and we rise, but we always get up
December 2, 2023
And this, all of it, is the geshmak of being a Yid
December 2, 2023
Every Yid has to know this niggun, said Reb Itche Meir Morgenstern, words written by Rav Nosson of Breslov- when Moshiach will come, the beauty and glory of each Yid will be revealed …
December 2, 2023
Back from the simcha of Rav Itche Meir, Joey Newcomb wastes no time in recording the niggun…