In Linden, yesterdays rain was relentless: except for those minutes in which the Sefer Torah was danced to the Tzehlemer Yeshiva. When the Kossoner Rebbe came out as the procession passed his home, he commented that the rain itself was showing kovod haTorah
December 18, 2023
Sunday in Passaic, yet another new Sefer Torah: same words, same parchment, same holiness and a fresh round of joy
December 17, 2023
The streets of the world are filled with hate, yet in shtreimlach and bekeshes, this sacred scroll in hand, we walk those streets and proclaim, again and again -Ashrenu! Today in Vienna
December 17, 2023
And tonight in the center of it all, the Ramat Shlomo street alive with the sound of yearning
December 14, 2023
In Ramat Shlomo, the nighttime is filled with sound - the best sort of sound possible, Jews rejoicing in their greatest gift
December 14, 2023
A new Sefer Torah is completed, ready to inspire and elevate those on base...👉
December 14, 2023
While at the Orlando Torah Center, a new Sephardic Torah is started...across the world, Jews united by the same mitzvah, the same words, the same eternal bond
December 10, 2023
In Hewlett, a new Sefer Torah is a cause for celebration for a nation that will never stop rejoicing in each letter
November 30, 2023
In the streets of Manchester, the joyous, heartfelt proclamation that we march on, filled with faith in the future 👉
November 30, 2023
While others educate children to hate, here, a new generation rises, committed to this Torah, it’s pathways peace and sweetness
November 27, 2023
A Sefer Torah was welcomed to the shul in Be’eri. By her families request, the invited guests included the Zaka members who saw that she was parted from in dignity
November 27, 2023
Jews, together - remembering, promising, and hoping, finding strength in one another
November 27, 2023
Jews, together - remembering, promising, and hoping, finding strength in one another
November 12, 2023
While in Boro Park, a unique hachnassas Sefer Torah, in memory of ….not one neshama, but fifty, a group of bereaved parents remembering their beloved children in the most meaningful way 👉
November 12, 2023
Fifty kinderlach, learning in the Ribbono shel Olam’s Yeshiva
November 12, 2023
Another outpost in Hashem’s world made whole - a Sefer Torah welcomed to the relatively new Khal Ahavas Hashem in Tampa, Florida, the ultimate reason to sing