The beauty, joy and flavor of our family. Every day.
January 10, 2023
Welcome to
January 10, 2023
Welcome to
January 10, 2023
. One more place to feel the joy of being a Yid
January 10, 2023
After many requests, including from leading mechanchim and rabbonim, we are excited to share a new frontier for #MKY- a place to share the song of MKY with a world beyond WhatsApp....
January 10, 2023
After many requests, including from leading mechanchim and rabbonim, we are excited to share a new frontier for #MKY- a place to share the song of MKY with a world beyond WhatsApp....
January 10, 2023
After many requests, including from leading mechanchim and rabbonim, we are excited to share a new frontier for #MKY- a place to share the song of MKY with a world beyond WhatsApp....
December 1, 2023
In Toldos Aron, the Rosh Yeshiva dances the mitzvah tantz for a new couple, talmidim surrounding him like a wall- harmony, gracefulness and joy
December 1, 2023
The Rebbe of Sadigur-Yerushalayim is welcomed to Yesodei Torah in Toronto with a niggun composed just a few blocks away, but cherished across the world
December 1, 2023
#MKY Glimpses: Rav Burich'l of Mezhibuzh
November 30, 2023
The opening session of the Agudah convention: tefillah and more tefillah
November 30, 2023
Rav Gershon Miller, in a call to action
November 30, 2023
Trader Joes in Brooklyn - great value , unique products …and a soundtrack to reflect a mood
November 30, 2023
Reminders that even in times of pain, we never stop building. The sweetness and joy of a traditional ‘yekkishe’ chuppah in Zurich.
November 30, 2023
In the streets of Manchester, the joyous, heartfelt proclamation that we march on, filled with faith in the future 👉
November 30, 2023
While others educate children to hate, here, a new generation rises, committed to this Torah, it’s pathways peace and sweetness
November 30, 2023
Songs of the Season: Katonti by Yonatan Razel
November 30, 2023
Yonatan singing his song of gratitude with Alex Clare...
November 30, 2023
...and in the hospital hallways
November 30, 2023
A fruit tree blooms in the shadow of a great yeshiva- on one hand, a need to expand, on the other, the halacha not to cut it down. Kovod haTorah met kovod haTorah, workers toiling not to cut it down…👉
November 30, 2023
But to move the tree over so that Yeshiva Darchei Torah could add much needed space