One nation, so many missions… a pre Shabbos message of thanks from the soldiers to the children of Shuvu - valor recognizing valor
November 17, 2023
On the beaches of Gaza, rushing waves and Karliner notes of Shabbos
November 16, 2023
Leil shishi on the base…
visiting from America, Joey Newcomb expresses thanks and more thanks…
November 16, 2023
While YC Shwekey expressed shared tefillah…👉
November 16, 2023
And the ultimate gift, 14 year old Akiva Fein bestowing birchas kohanim: may you be blessed, protected, and may He grant you peace
November 14, 2023
Avrohom Fried… a kohein, doing what kohanim do….
November 14, 2023
The daf…Bava Kamma, 10, the halachic depth of a bor, a pit, as a Yid sits surrounded by so many holes, craters and pits.
November 12, 2023
Before going back into Gaza, they asked for one thing- the most important ‘thing’ of all, a Sefer Torah to accompany and lead them. Shai Graucher and his friends made it happen 👉
November 12, 2023
And tonight, they gathered to welcome it, in friendship and in faith
October 15, 2023
Fresh off the about essentials- soldiers at their posts need the daily daf! A special edition of the Schottenstein Mesechta Kidushin, including perakim of Tehillim at the front. "We printed 5000 to start, and we are already overwhelmed with requests for more..." #HowJewsLive
October 15, 2023
Just three weeks ago, a visitor from New York made his way to an army base in the south of Eretz Yisroel: paying tribute to fallen soldiers and bringing comfort to their families, he was donating a new Sefer Torah. A small, appreciative crowd was on hand to welcome the cherished gift….
October 15, 2023
And now, less than a month later, that new Sefer Torah is their inspiration, their strength and their joy, arriving just in time to make all the difference!
October 13, 2023
On the southern front, a familiar voice - Ishay Ribo, the sweetness, the spirit
October 13, 2023
And the sounds of Shabbos 🌅
October 10, 2023
Chayeinu provides services for patients and their families all year long - now, Chai Lifeline Israel, professionals in giving chizuk and support, host spirited a dinner for soldiers on the front, sending them off in joy #HeLovesUsToo